Nanoparticles: Organic Nanoparticles

Liposomes - Liposomal nanoparticles were first developed near the genesis of nanomedicine and have since become one of the most widely utilized vehicles for encapsulating chemical payloads, with several formulations having gained FDA approval.


  • created from state-of-the-art technologies lie in their excellent biocompatibility
  • ease of synthesis/ functionalization
  • and their ability to safely encapsulate a variety of small molecules.


  • high level of sensitivity to structural change(s)
  • demonstrated highly specific cargo-dependency, thus decreasing their universal appeal and broad applicability


  1. Richards, D. A., Maruani, A. & Chudasama, V. (2017). Antibody fragments as nanoparticle targeting ligands: a step in the right direction. Chem. Sci., 2017, 8, 63-77 DOI: 10.1039/C6SC02403C
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