Medical Applications: Nanoparticle for Drug Administration

Nanoparticles Unique Properties in drug administartion:

  • Improved efficacy of drugs
  • Extension of drug half-life
  • Reduced toxicity
  • Active or passive targeting
  • Product lifecycle management
  • Improved solubility of drugs

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved oral, local, topical, and systemic (e.g., intravenous) administration methods for the delivery of nanoparticles:

  1. oral delivery of particles has been approved clinically for imaging applications (e.g., Gastromark),
  2. local delivery of particles has been widely used in the clinic as depot delivery systems for the extended delivery of a variety of biologics including peptides and other small molecules (e.g., DepoCyt),
  3. topical application of particles has been approved clinically to increase penetration of biologics across the skin barrier (e.g., Estrasorb),
  4. systemic delivery of particles has been approved clinically for treating a variety of cancers (e.g., Doxil) (Anselmo, 2016)


  1. Anselmo, A. C. and Mitragotri, S. (2016), Nanoparticles in the clinic. Bioengineering & Translational Medicine, 1: 10–29. doi:10.1002/btm2.10003
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