Medical Applications: Nanotechnology in Medicine

Magnetic Nanoparticles for Clinical Diagnostics and Therapy


Nanomedicine is the application of Nanotechnology in healthcare.

The possible use of Nanotechnology in medicine is based on three pillars:

  1. Nanomaterials and nanoinstruments which can be used as biosensors, as aids in treatment, and as transporters of active substances.
  2. knowledge of molecular medicine in the field of genetics, proteomics, and synthetically produced or modified microorganisms.
  3. Nanotechnologies which can be used for rapid diagnostics, therapy for repair of genetic material and for cell surgery, as well as to improve natural physiological functions (Krukemeyer et al., 2015).


  1. Krukemeyer MG, Krenn V, Huebner F, Wagner W, Resch R (2015), History and Possible Uses of Nanomedicine Based on Nanoparticles and Nanotechnological Progress., J Nanomed Nanotechnol 6: 336. doi:10.4172/21577439.1000336
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