
Please evaluate this program by answering the following questions:

  1. To what extent has each learning outcome been met?

      Met Partially Met Not Met No Answer or N/A
    1. List various types of nanoparticles.
    2. Describe how nanoparticles are applied in medicine and other products
    3. Describe potential routes of exposure to nanomaterials in products.
    4. Recognize how workers may be at increased risk for exposure to nanomaterials.
    5. Identify precautionary approaches that can be utilized when working with substances containing nanoparticles for both patient and worker protection.
    6. State the possible implications for nurse and patient safety.
  2. To what extent were the above related to the overall learning outcomes of the Educational Activity?

      Yes, related Yes, partially related No, not related No Answer or N/A
    At the conclusion of this educational activity, the learner will be able to ascertain the widespread use of nanotechnology and be able to recognize both its benefits, risks, and applications in healthcare, as well as nursing implications.
  3. Ability to access (enter) the computer program

      High or Excellent Good Low or Poor No Answer or N/A
    Rate your ability to access the computer program.
  4. Effectiveness of Teaching/Learning Resources

      Highly Effective Effective Not Effective No Answer or N/A
    The content of the module and the learning resources were effective in relating critical information.
  5. Overall Program Quality

      High or Excellent Good Low or Poor No Answer or N/A
    Rate the overall quality of the program.
  6. How will participation in this program enable you to change some aspect of your practice? Please describe:

  7. Documentation of Time

    How long did it take you to complete the educational activity? (Include time spent reviewing the material plus the time spent finishing the required exercises and tests.)

  8. Disclosure Regarding Conflict of Interest

      Yes No
    The provider of the activity has disclosed in this educational activity the conflict of interest or lack thereof declared by the planners, authors, content experts.
  9. Did you detect any bias in the content of this educational activity?

  10. What educational programs would enable you to meet your learning needs? Identify learning needs (e.g. gaps in knowledge/skills, etc.) which may benefit from participation in on-line continuing education (e.g. Diabetes-insulin pumps).


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